Truck Accidents

Fighting for maximum compensation for truck accident victims
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Truck Accident Attorneys In Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Pursuing Justice For You

Commercial vehicles, including 18-wheeler tractor trailers, due to their size and weight, are some of the most dangerous vehicles on the road. Trucking accidents can often be catastrophic, resulting in serious injuries and even the wrongful death of the victim. Trucking cases are complicated due to the involvement of state and federal regulations, as well as multiple insurance policies often being involved.

Our experienced trucking accident attorneys at Beach Injury Lawyers understand these complexities and can help someone hurt in a wreck with a commercial truck maximize their recovery.

Call Beach Injury Lawyers, LLC at 843-396-3111 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.

Protecting your Rights in Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can be complex due to a variety of industry regulations, federal motor carrier laws, and the number of parties who may be responsible for the tractor trailer (i.e., drivers, owners, brokers, and insurance carriers). The vast majority of serious injuries and deaths that result in large truck crashes involve the occupants of passenger vehicles. The primary issue is the vulnerability of passengers traveling in smaller motor vehicles. Trucks often weigh 20-30 times as much as passenger cars and are much taller with greater ground clearance. This often results in small vehicle underriding trucks in crashes.

If you have been injured in a truck accident, contact Beach Injury Lawyers today. Our experienced truck accident attorneys will guide you through the difficult process and ensure that your rights are well protected.

Truck Accident Case and Damage

Each accident may result in a similar or different effect. Depending on your case, you, the victim, are entitled to have some claims. Below are some of the assistance you’ll receive: 

  • Payment support for your rehabilitation. 
  • Claims for physical pain and mental suffering. 
  • Medical expenses both for current and future. 
  • Lost salary due to injury. 
  • The loss of working ability due to injury. 
  • Mental and Emotional damage. 

Choosing a lawyer who is focused in this field can give you an edge on winning this battle — a lawyer who can fight head-on with the company’s elite legal team. Remember, the company may go to great lengths to ensure your compensation will be lower than what you should receive. 

But don’t worry — with our highly trained lawyers who work with a professional medical team, we can ensure that you’ll receive what is due to you. We have been familiar with all the tricks insurance companies may throw at you. We will fight our way so justice will be served, and you’ll get the compensation they are denying you.

Contact Us Now

No Fees Unless We Win

Beach Injury Lawyers, LLC will meet with you, at no cost, for a full consultation and evaluation of your case. If you hire us, you will pay no fees unless, and until you receive money in a settlement.
Call Beach Injury Lawyers, LLC at 
843-396-3111 today to speak to an attorney.

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